According to the Chilean Embassy, it is necessary for every student, to possess at least US$700 monthly for all the expenses.

In the following table, you can see a cost structure of the living expenses in Chile, specifically in the 4 cities where the University of Talca has campuses: Talca, Curicó, Santiago and Linares.

Housing* US$170
Food* US$150
Transport* US$15
Optional expenses (referential prices)

Combo McDonald's US$ 5.2

Coke(0,5lt) US$ 1.05

Local Beer (1lt)
US$ 1.9

T-Shirt (Retail) US$ 15

Fitness Club (monthly fee)
US$ 37.5

∗The living expenses are just monthly estimations. Please, calculate the number of months in order to identify the total cost.

Housing* US$160
Food* US$150
Transport* US$15
Optional expenses (referential prices)

Combo McDonald's US$ 5.2

Coke(0,5lt) US$ 1.05

Local Beer (1lt)
US$ 1.9

T-Shirt (Retail) US$ 15

Fitness Club (monthly fee)
US$ 37.5

∗The living expenses are just monthly estimations. Please, calculate the number of months in order to identify the total cost.

Housing* US$300
Food* US$210
Transport* US$50
Optional expenses (referential prices)

Combo McDonald's US$ 5.2

Coke(0,5lt) US$ 1.05

Local Beer (1lt)
US$ 1.9

T-Shirt (Retail) US$ 15

Fitness Club (monthly fee)
US$ 37.5

∗The living expenses are just monthly estimations. Please, calculate the number of months in order to identify the total cost.

Housing* US$150
Food* US$140
Transport* US$25
Optional expenses (referential prices)

Combo McDonald's
US$ 5.2

Coke (0,5lt) US$ 1.05

Local Beer (1lt)
US$ 1.9

T-Shirt (Retail) US$ 15

Fitness Club (monthly)
US$ 37.5

∗Los valores son estimaciones mensuales. Calcule el número de meses en el país para identificar el total